Stalin, Joseph

In 1903, Stalin (an assumed name meaning Man of Steel) joins the Communist Party. In 1924, Stalin executes other members of the ruling committee, gaining control of entire party. In 1928 he orders the liquidation of 4.5 million kulaks (rich landowners) who resist collectivization of agriculture. In 1932, he starts a famine in the Ukraine and in the Caucasus that will kill millions. He does this to starve kulaks who still resist collectivization, seizing their grain and livestock, and keeping out relief supplies.

In 1935, Stalin strangles his eldest son Jakov, and kills two of his daughters. In 1936, he begins a Great Purge (Yezhovschina) which will take an estimated 8 to 10 million lives in the next 2 years as he liquidates his political enemies. Authorities believe he is responsible for killing at least 60 million Russians who stood in the way of his quest for power.

One of his most stunning quotes came after he had personally signed death warrants for 62,000 military officers who were resisting him.

"To choose ones victims, to prepare one's plan minutely, to slack an implacable vengeance, and then to go to bed - there is nothing sweeter in the world."