Dune II Hints

These strategy hints were created by our DUNE II programmer, Joe Bostic. They also apply to our Sega Genesis game, DUNE: THE BATTLE FOR ARRAKIS.

DUNE II Strategy Tips
  • Spread your buldings out. Put them about three or four concrete slabs away from each other. This will make the Death Hand missile less effective, because if it does hit a building, it will only destroy one.

  • Don't try to discover the enemy right away. When the enemy knows that you exsist, it will launch into "battle mode".

  • Build rocket turrets (and lots of them) between your base and the direction that the enemy units are approaching. The rocket turrets are the very best defense you can build.

  • Build a Starport or a heavy factory so that you can get a mobile construction vehicle if your main construction yard is destroyed. The prices offered in the Starport change about every five minutes, so keep checking it until a very good price is available before purchasing.

  • Deny the enemy access to the spice fields. You can do this by protecting the fields with tanks and turrets and then wait until the enemy runs out of spice. Once the enemy runs out of spice, the attacks will lessen and then cease. Then it is time ot go on the offensive.

  • Use sonic tanks and rocket tanks. The sonic tank destroys buildings faster than anything, short of the Death Hand missile. Rocket tanks can attack rocket turrets while being out of the rocket turret's range.

  • Build a repair facility and plenty of carryalls. This will allow you to get the most cost effective use from your combat vehicles.

  • Build a mobile construction vehicle and then deploy it on the same rock formation as the enemy. Immediately build concrete slabs toward the enemy so that you can build rocket turrets right next to their base. This will keep the enemy occupied while you build up your conventional combat vehicles.

  • Since rocket turrets consume so much energy, it may serve you well to forego building enough windtraps to keep the radar active and instead purchase more productive buildings. You will lose the ability to see enemy units on the radar screen, but that is only an inconvenience that can be tolerated.

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